Client and Context
Brand Identity | Visual Communication Material

Doek!, an art base and advocate of Namibian literature and culture, hosts the biennial Doek Literary Festival in Namibia, celebrating writers, poets and visual artists across Africa and the diaspora. More than an event, the festival embodies Doek’s mission to enrich Namibia’s literary arts landscape, fostering and supporting a community of readers and writers through workshops, readings, and performances. The festival has become a pivotal hub for literary discourse and artistic innovation in Africa, supported by partnerships with institutions like the University of East Anglia and Bank Windhoek. In 2022, Doek expanded its impact with the Literary Festival, complemented by the Doek Anthology in collaboration with Turipamwe. Together, we aimed to authentically capture the Namibian artistic spirit and essence through a cohesive and distinctive visual identity. This initiative marked a significant cultural contribution that continues to enrich the Namibian art scene and beyond.

Doek! Writing Workshops facilitated by Rémy Ngajime, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Femi Kayode, and Zukiswa Wanner.

Design Challenge and Opportunity

Every Doek Literary Festival is led by a design partner, with Turipamwe selected to craft and curate its experiential and visual aspects, marking the beginning of a long-standing partnership. The Doek Literary Festival and Anthology project encompassed the branding and creative direction for both the anthology and the accompanying literary festival. Rooted in a rich narrative from one of Namibia's cultural hearts, Rehoboth, this endeavour aimed to faithfully represent and celebrate Namibian identity. The challenge lay in creating a unified visual identity for the Doek Literary Festival and anthology that avoided clichés while authentically reflecting Namibian culture. Objectives included promoting local literature, fostering community engagement and transcending stereotypes in visual representation to resonate with the Namibian, ultimately African audience and enhance cultural and social impact.

Team's trip to Rehoboth for inspiration

 Expertise and Solution

As creative artisans and strategic planners, we began with intensive research into Namibian cultural motifs and storytelling traditions, specifically aiming to avoid clichés such as dunes and wildlife. Insights from the 'Bastards of Remember When' story, which vividly portrays Rehoboth, guided our creative direction. Emphasising handcrafted typography and vibrant colour palettes, our goal was to evoke a sense of community and heritage by translating Rehoboth's essence into visual elements. Crafting a narrative inspired by the vibrant Rehoboth community, we translated local aesthetics into modern design elements, closely aligning with Doek's vision. Our strategy emphasised a unified visual language across all festival and anthology materials, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience for attendees and readers alike. This approach not only promoted Namibian narratives globally but also resonated deeply with local audiences.

Oom Punch from Rehoboth hand lettering the copy for the festival and anthology 

Led by a dedicated team including Tanya Stroh as Creative Director and Elrico Gawanab as Lead Designer, the project unfolded in stages. From initial sketches to digital rendering, each step was meticulously crafted to reflect the spirit of Rehoboth. Our innovative approach in crafting the festival’s identity involved collaborating with local artist Punch to create a bespoke, custom typeface. By preserving the authenticity of hand-drawn signage, we infused digital media with tangible Namibian identity. The custom typeface development merged traditional brushstroke aesthetics with digital precision, ensuring cultural authenticity. Our team played pivotal roles in concept validation, design development, and seamless project coordination, resulting in a seamless and impactful outcome.

Results and Impact

The project received considerable praise from attendees and participants, bolstering brand recognition and fostering community involvement. This led to increased community engagement, positive feedback from stakeholders and heightened visibility for Namibian literature. The festival was graced by the presence of internationally acclaimed writers from in and around the continent such as Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe), Rémy Ngajime (Namibia), Jean McNeil (Canada), Femi Kyode (Nigeria), Zukiswa Wanner (Zambia) and David Smuts (Namibia).

Tsitsi Dangarembga

Rémy Ngajime

Jean McNeil

Femi Kyode

Zukiswa Wanner

David Smuts

The 2022-2023 Doek CollectiveFrom:
Ange Mucyo, Filemon Iiyambo, (Back Row L-R) 
Ndawedwa Denga Hanghuwo, Katherine Hunter,  Charmaine //Gamxamûs,  Dalene Kooper, Roxane Bayer and Kay-Leigh De Sousa
(Front Row L-R)

"The creative vision brought our stories to life in ways we couldn't have imagined. It truly captured the essence of Namibian storytelling."

Rémy Ngajime
Project Director

Praised for capturing the Namibian narrative and enhancing cultural sensitivity, the creative execution underscored its impact on promoting local identity. As a result, the Doek Literary Festival 2022 project stands as a testament to our commitment to cultural authenticity and creative excellence. Its success underscores our ability to transform the narrative into a visual identity. Regarding future collaborations, we are already working on the 2024 literary festival that is to take place on 20-24th August 2024. We look forward to further expanding the impact of Namibian literature and storytelling through ongoing partnerships with Doek.

Live music performance by Qurida, Gabes and Slow at the final day of the festival

Creative Team

Client: The Doek Trust Creative Direction: Tanya Stroh
Lead Designer & Art Director: Elrico Gawanab Hand Lettering Artist: Oom Punch
Event and Workshop Photographer: Namafu Amuste Printing: Style Graphics
Rehoboth Photography: Jean-Claude Tjitamunisa and Elrico Gawanab
Event Venue: Goethe-Institut Namibia

Stay tuned for the Doek Anthology design Flagship!